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June 04, 2019 3 min read

It Looks Like This When You Show Up Everyday and Try: Deep Dive Into My Print Called, “The Star Within the Stride”

I love mountain tops!

It's not just about the view either (though everyone I've been on has been nothing short of breathtaking).But there is a special feeling that is unique to a summit.It waits for you as you take the final steps over the summit top to see the whole view and then BAM it hits you!

It's a combination of exhaustion, adrenaline, awe and total peace.... it's hard to explain unless you've been there. I don't know that feeling elsewhere, but it is a beautiful one.

But wouldn’t it be silly if I only liked being on top of mountain tops, but didn’t like the act of hiking? Generally, mountain climbers will tell you that we don’t spend a ton of time at the top. Gotta get back down pretty quickly because of weather concerns! Most of a climber's time and energy is spent on the getting up and back.

Interestingly, the climb is where most of the memories are created.

Conquering mountains, reaching goals, or living the dream are so much sweeter when we are in tune with the day-to-day process that it takes to get there.

The Art of Finding Balance

To complete these things, (conquering mountains, reaching goals, living the dream) they all require finding...and keeping... an interesting balance:

  • You have to keep your head IN the moment to have momentum.
  • You also gotta pop it OUT and ABOVE of the moment to see WHERE you are going.
  • And you have to turn it BEHIND the moment to remind yourself WHY you are going there.  

Break the balance and you start to walk all wonky-like and lose strength, vision, and purpose.

"Process" is a significant part of any journey. But it can be hard, painful, uncomfortable, frustrating, and complicated! Sometimes we overlook the process, undervaluing its role. And sometimes we just forget about it altogether because we are focusing so much on the end result. 

Don't do yourself the disservice of ignoring your process. It is magnificent!

Celebrating Process with The Star Within the Stride

This week I’m sneaking you into the background of my print titled:The Star Within the StrideStrides don’t always feel glamorous, especially when you are digging those heels in deep. They don’t always look sexy, particularly those steps when you are at your weakest points. And they may not be deemed share-worthy as you are not usually at your peak.

Strides are magnificent because it shows that you are trying! You are showing up and giving an effort and putting in heart. And THAT kind of love is remarkable and celebratory.

So, if you are in need of momentum in your life or you are running strong within already, this print is here to SPARK you!

Deep Dive Behind The Scenes With Me

In the video below, I’ll take you into my Photoshop layers to see how all the pieces came together, and I’ll share some of the thought nuggets I planted inside. This print celebrates the brilliance of PROCESS... which goes all the way back to the first bullet I mentioned above! 

I pose a question to help the image absorb even more. So, when you finish the video, I'd love to hear your answer in the comments below!

Lots of love,

P.S. Want this picture at home with you, reminding you to celebrate where you are at!?
This print is available to purchase HERE in many sizes. Enjoy!

Here is a list of all seven images in The Star Within series.

  1. The Star Within the Launch
  2. The Star Within the Roar
  3. The Star Within the Stride
  4. The Star Within the Crushing
  5. The Star Within the Soul
  6. The Star Within the Support
  7. The Star Within the Sisters


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