Without a doubt, I'm biased. I'm launching my very first coffee table book that houses a collection of 26 of my artworks. So, of course, I'm going to say coffee table books are great!
But I genuinely believe they have incredible purpose and value in our world and in our home. They are as functional as they are beautiful. Inspirational as they are informative. Entertaining for you as they are for your guests.
Coffee table books bring with them a tactile experience, which is often craved in this dominantly digital age. They remind you to get you off your phone and create an alternative way to pass time.
Coffee table books provide unique entertainment for guests. They inspire thought and conversation.
Coffee table books are a way to express yourself. They allow you to surround yourself with an array of interests, styles, designs, information, and art and subtly share with those around what you find interesting.
Coffee table books allow you to engage with a whole body of work, rather than a single piece. Looking at a collection gives a different, valuable insight into a genre, topic, or artist's work.
Coffee table books become an excellent solution when you have limited walls space but still desire inspiring collectibles. Let's face it, not all artwork is made for your walls. But keeping it close on hand (and off your computer or phone) is still possible and important.
Coffee table books deliver lasting beauty. They are a source of easily accessible and digestible inspiration. Artbooks create momentary "pauses" in life.
Coffee table books, particularly books filled with art, are like picture books for grown-ups that keep us young at heart. Pictures inspire thoughts and feelings words can't.
In summary, collecting coffee table books is not only fun, but it adds depth and inspiration to your home. There are countless sizes, styles, categories and types of books and therefore create an important way to express yourself. And they add delight to your guests' experience. Also, they are easy to decorate with!
In the next blog, I will share different ways to decorate with coffee table books.
You can order my coffee table book here. It features 26 artworks, with captions and little personal notes from my photoshoots.