If you haven’t faced an obstacle in your life, I think I feel a little sorry for you!
Breaking past barriers is one of the greatest experiences in life! There is so much to learn about yourself as you conquer something. There is so much to take away when you take a risk and go after something that is bigger than you!
In today’s Deep Dive video, we will jump inside this print titled, "Go Higher." This image is all about breaking through barriers to take hold of something greater than the present! I photographed this image in the Southern California desert with a dear friend on a cross country road trip.
The image is oaded with different hidden meanings that I only discovered AFTER I created it! Usually, I have a plan when I am creating, but this was a shoot-on-the-fly kind of moment.
In the video, you’ll learn eight key takeaways that I think about whenever I see this image and when I am pushing past my own barriers.
Leave a comment or send me an email to tell me what YOU think about when you see this image. I’d love to hear it!